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High Standards

R.J.D Home & Property Inspections LLC strictly adheres to the State of Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection Home Inspector Regulations and the Code of Ethics. Our dedication to honesty and integrity assures you a concise, comprehensive and accurate Home Analysis Report of conditions as we observe them at the time of our visual inspection.

CT Regulations, Standards and Ethics


Tips From R.J.D.

Some form of basement dampness exists in most homes in our New England area. It can range from slight efflorescence to high water rust lines on lally columns. Often, however, in houses which are being offered for sale, the visible signs on the interior of a basement which would indicate a past or present water and or moisture problem are concealed. For example, an area may be painted over, or basement storage may be piled against a wall where a problem has occurred or if it has been dry for a period before the Inspection, signs of past water penetration may not be visible. Our experience shows that substantial dampness can be eliminated with proper diversion of roof and ground water. A damaged gutter or leader discharging into a low area at the foundation will be a major source of dampness in the basement. We note dampness in our reports, and attempt to determine its source and recommend a solutions.
R.J.D. Home & Property Inspections LLC. 26 Julia Lane Thomaston, CT 06787
©2024 R.J.D Home & Property Inspections LLC